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Pasque flower "Anemone mix" - Pulsatilla vulgaris = Anemone pulsatilla.
The spring palette of airy Anemone flowers will decorate any flower garden and alpine slide.
Plants can boast not only the splendour of their attire during ..
Appalachian sedge - Carex appalachica.
Ornamental grasses - a new trend in garden design.
An elegant and drought-resistant perennial from the Cyperaceae family.
Plant height: 25 cm.
Spikelet colour: golden-green.
Natural flowering period: M..
Arctic chrysanthemum (Arctic daisy) - Chrysanthemum arcticum.
The plant is unpretentious and develops in permeable clay soil located on a rocky base or with good drainage. The plant propagates by dividing rhizomes or cuttings, best in spring. F..
Whitish Gentian (Arctic Gentian) - Gentiana algida.
Perennial for rock garden.
Origin: North America from Alaska to Colorado, Korea, the Himalayas to Japan (alpine meadows and swamps).
Flower colour: yellowish white with blue markings.
Argun dragonhead "Fuji White" - Dracocephalum argunense.
Family: Lamiaceae.
Origin: Northeast Asia.
Features: Long-lived, ground cover, perennial plant that forms dark green "cushions" with excellent drought resistance. Suitabl..
Arkwright campion "Vesuvius" (Catchfly) - Lychnis arkwrightii.
Blooms all summer!
An attractive perennial herbaceous plant that forms a compact bush 35-40 cm high. Bright orange-red flowers, up to 3 cm in diameter, combine inter..
Aspen Sunflower (Little Sunflower, five-nerve helianthella) - Helianthella quinquenervis.
Perennial from the family Asteraceae for rock garden, good for cutting.
Flowering plant height: 100 cm.
Natural flowering period: May - August.
Winter ..
Aubrieta Leichtlinii - Aubrieta x hybrida.
Creeping, ground cover plant (up to 10 cm high), forming dense "cushion curtains" with numerous, bright pink-purple flowers, up to 1 cm in diameter.
Especially decorative during abundant flo..
Aubrieta Leichtlinii - Aubrieta x hybrida.
Creeping, ground cover plant (up to 10 cm high), forming dense "cushion curtains" with numerous, bright pink-lilac flowers, up to 1 cm in diameter. Especially decorative during abundant flowe..
Aucher's Bellflower - Campanula aucherii.
In nature, it is found on rocks and gravelly screes of the Caucasus. Forms compact bushes from shoots covered with small serrated leaves.
Dark purple large flowers appear in early summer. Winter-ha..
Gold dust - Alyssum saxatile.
One of the most popular carpet perennials.
The plant forms a densely grown bush 25 cm high with gray-green foliage, the stems are branched and woody at the base.
Racemose inflorescences with small fragrant l..
Autumn sage (colour mix) - Salvia superba.
Attractive and vibrant perennial!
Plant height reaches 60 cm. Forms many spike-shaped inflorescences of deep purple colour. Long flowering. Will be a great accent in a combined perennial flower bed.
Bugbane "Atropurpurea" (Autumn Snakeroot) - Cimicifuga ramosa.
Large, up to 2 m tall, late flowering (August-October) plants.
Variety "Atropurpurea" is a tall (up to 2 m) plant, "flaunting" red-brown leaves a..
Avens "Duo mix".
Flowers: June and July onwards the following year.
Height: 40-60 cm.
Earlier and more prolific flowering than any other variety with good plant vigour throughout the whole production process.
Propagate a +18 t..
Avens "Kuklik" - Geum chiloense.
Bright blooming perennial. Plant height 60 cm Flower diameter 4 cm Rhizome herbaceous perennial from the Rosaceae family.
Forms lush bushes 50-60 cm high, with a basal rosette of ornamental, pubescent..
Baical skullcap "Oriental Blue" (helmet flower, scute) - Scutellaria baicalensis.
Medicinal perennial for rock garden from the labiaceae family Lamiaceae.
Natural flowering period: July - September.
Blooms in the year of sowing.
Chinese bellflower "Hakone White" (balloon flower) - Platycodon grandiflorum.
Family: Campanulaceae.
Origin: Japan and China.
Special Features: flower buds which appear inflated (balloon-like) open into double blossoms lea..
Chinese bellflower (mix) - Platycodon grandiflorus.
Charming, compact hardy plant with spherical buds that open into large, long-flowering bells.
It is used in a mixborder, an alpine hill. Excellent pot culture for the garden, balcony and home..
Dyer's Broom "Golden" (Base-broom, waxen woad, wede-wixen, woodwaxen, woud-wix) - Genista tinctoria.
A winter-hardy and unpretentious, fast-growing and very colorful shrub during the flowering period.
Perennial from the..
Dusty miller (Boughton Silver, old woman, beach wormwood) - Artemisia stelleriana.
An evergreen perennial from the Asteraceae family.
Flower colour: yellowish.
Natural flowering period: June - July.
Foliage: white tomentose, pinnatipartite, ..
Beard Tongue "Jingle Bells" - Penstemon barbatus ssp. coccineus.
The plant is winter-hardy up to -35 degrees. Perennial compact plant up to 150 cm tall. When grown from seeds, cold stratification is desirable for a month. Seeds are so..
Bergamot (Bee balm) mix - Monarda didyma.
The mischievous, bright blooms of this variety are excellent in the garden and in the cut. This one of the most effective and versatile perennials will create a bright spot in your flower garden and law..
Beebalm Oswego - mixture, shades of red, white, pink and salmon.
Effective cutting! Very bright color!
This spectacular and versatile perennial will create a bright spot in your flower garden and lawn. Plant height 80-100 cm. Leaves and flower..
Carpatica Bellflower "Blue" - Campanula carpatica.
One of the most spectacular and unpretentious perennials for borders and rock gardens.
Numerous flowering shoots form compact rounded bushes. Differs in long flowering. Flowers solit..
Carpatica Bellflower (mix) - Campanula carpatica.
The blue-white mixture is perfect for creating “nautical” motifs in garden design. A plant up to 30 cm high forms a bush 35-40 cm in diameter. The leaves are small, cordate. Flo..